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Navigated to Student Affairs -Student Conduct Policy.

Section I. Guiding Principles

Prescott College recognizes its students as responsible and dedicated people who are preparing to be global citizens. As members of the College community, students have responsibilities and duties commensurate with their rights and privileges. In this policy, Prescott College provides guidance to students regarding those standards of student conduct and behavior that it considers essential to its educational mission. This policy also provides guidance regarding the types of conduct that infringe upon the fulfillment of the College’s educational mission.

Section II. Scope

This Student Conduct Policy applies to all students and student organizations at Prescott College.

Section III. Reach

The Student Conduct Policy shall apply to student conduct that occurs on College premises including online platforms (including online classes, e-mail and telephone communication), at College-sponsored activities, student organization sponsored events or in College Housing. At the discretion of the Conduct Officer (dean or their delegate), the Policy also shall apply to off-campus student conduct (off-campus conduct should demonstrate concern for the health, safety, and welfare of community members and reflect students’ fitness to be a member of the local community); when the conduct, as alleged, adversely affects a substantial college interest and potentially violates a campus policy. The Conduct Officer delegates to the director of student housing the authority to develop and enforce rules and procedures to address the unique needs and management of College premises under the control of the director of student housing. Such rules and procedures shall be complementary to this Code.

Section IV. Responsibilities of Dual Membership

Students are both members of the College community, as well as citizens of the state and the larger community. As citizens, students are responsible to the community of which they are a part, and, as students, they are responsible to the academic community of the College and to other individuals who make up the community. By upholding its Student Conduct Policy, the College neither substitutes for nor interferes with other civil or criminal legal processes. When a student is charged in both jurisdictions, the College will decide on the basis of its interests, the interests of affected students, and the interests of the community whether to proceed with its disciplinary process or to defer action.

Section V. Disciplinary Offenses

The offenses listed below are given as examples only. Prescott College may sanction other conduct not specifically included on this list.

1) Scholastic Dishonesty

  1. Plagiarism;

  2. Cheating on assignments or examinations;

  3. Engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic work;

  4. Taking, acquiring or using test materials without faculty permission;

  5. Submitting false or incomplete records of academic achievement;

  6. Altering, forging or misusing a College academic record;

  7. Fabricating or falsifying data, research procedures, or data analysis;

  8. Deceiving the College and/or its officials.

2) Illegal or Unauthorized Possession or Use of Weapons

  1. Possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or other weapons, or likenesses of weapons, on college property, at school-sponsored housing or at college-sponsored functions, except where possession is required by law.

3) Threatening, Violent or Aggressive Conduct

  1. Assault, battery, or any other form of physical abuse of a student or college employee.

  2. Fighting or physical altercation.

  3. Conveyance of threats by any means of communication including, but not limited to, threats of physical abuse and threats to damage or destroy college property or the property of other students or college employees.

  4. Any conduct that threatens the health or safety of another individual one’s own self or another individual. Threats to commit self-harm and/or actual incidents of self-harm by any student.

  5. Extortion-practice of obtaining something through force or threats. 

  6. Intimidation-implied threats or acts that cause an unreasonable fear of harm in another.

4) Theft

  1. Theft, attempted theft, vandalism/damage, or defacing of college property, college-controlled property, or the property of another student, faculty, staff member or guest.

  2. Any form of identity theft or unauthorized acquisition of another's personal information, identification or access credentials.

5) Property Damage

  1. Vandalism or malicious destruction of private or public property.

  2. Damage or misuse of private or public property.

  3. Participation of students or groups of students in activities which cause damage to public or private property.

6) Disruptive or Disorderly Conduct

  1. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, student conduct proceedings, administration, residence hall operations, or other college sponsored activities. 

  2. Conduct that could be perceived as offensive, indecent or obscene to a reasonable person.

  3. Participation of students or groups of students in activities which may interfere with orderly function or normal flow of traffic.

  4. Disorderly Conduct in person or within e-learning platforms.

  5. Any in-school, online, or off-campus act considered inappropriate or as an example of misconduct that adversely affects the interests of Prescott College and/or its reputation (off-campus conduct should demonstrate concern for the health, safety, and welfare of community members and reflect students’ fitness to be a member of the local community).

7) Illegal or Unauthorized Possession or Use of Drugs or Alcohol

  1. Use, sale, possession*, or distribution of illegal or controlled substances, drug, alcohol or drug or alcohol paraphernalia on college property or at any function sponsored or supervised by the college.

  2. Being under the influence of illegal or controlled substances on college property, or at any college function.

  3. Use, sale, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages on college property or at any function sponsored or supervised by the college without authorization.

  4. Being under the influence of alcohol on college property or at any college function is also prohibited.

  5. No exception will be made for the use of medical marijuana, marijuana or CBD products, regardless of whether the student has a medical marijuana registry card. Knowingly being in the presence of others violating this rule is also prohibited.

*Possession refers to: being under the influence of a drug; holding or transporting drugs on college-owned or operated property including the college vehicles; during a college function.

8) Verbal Assault, Defamation and Harassment

  1. Verbal abuse of a student or college employee, or community members that threatens the health and safety of person.

  2. Harassment by any means of any individual, including coercion and personal abuse. Harassment includes but is not limited to, written or verbal acts or uses of technology, which have the effect of harassing or intimidating a person.

  3. Harassment based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other criteria protected by state, federal, or local law.

9) Hazing and Anti-bullying

  1. Any form of "hazing" and any act that endangers the safety of a student, or that destroys or removes  public  or private property, for the  purpose  of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. "Hazing" includes any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student club or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such a student group or student organization that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm, to any student or other person attending the college.

  2. It is the policy of the College that bullying behavior by or against any member of the College community, whether student, employee, faculty or guest, will not be tolerated. Violation of the anti-bullying policy can result in discipline, up to and including expulsion for students. While each circumstance is different, bullying is inappropriate, unwelcome behavior (which can be through verbal or other communication, or physical contact) that targets an individual or group because of a characteristic of the individual or group, whether protected by anti-discrimination laws or not. Prohibited bullying may be the result of repeated behavior or, if sufficiently severe, a single incident; can be direct or indirect; and can be effectuated through verbal, physical, electronic, or other means.

  3. Bullying behavior may include:

    1. Verbal abuse, such as the use of derogatory remarks, insults, and epithets; slandering, ridiculing, or maligning a person or their family; persistent name calling; using an individual or group as the butt of jokes;

    2. Verbal or physical conduct of a threatening, intimidating, or humiliating nature;

    3. Sabotaging or undermining an individual or group’s work performance or education experience; inappropriate physical contact, such as pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, tripping, assault, or the threat of such conduct, or damage to a person’s work area or property; and inappropriate electronic communication, such as the use of electronic mail, text messaging, voice mail, pagers, websites, or online chat rooms in a threatening, intimidating, or humiliating manner.

      1. Bullying behavior violates the College’s Student Conduct Policy and its expectation that students will respect the rights of others and help create a positive environment where diversity of people and ideas is valued and tolerated.

10) Retaliation

  1. Any attempts or acts to seek retribution including, but not limited to, any form of bullying, intimidation, reprisal, harassment, depriving participation in activities, or intent to prevent participation in university proceedings under this Policy. Retaliation may include continued abuse or violence, other harassment, and slander and libel. Retaliation against an individual for an allegation, for supporting a reporting party or for assisting in providing information relevant to an allegation is a serious violation of college policy. 

11) Falsification/Fraud

  1. Willfully providing college officials with false, misleading, or incomplete information.

  2. Forgery, falsification, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records, or identification with the intent to injure, defraud, or misinform.

  3. Unauthorized use of another's personal information, identification, or access credentials.

12) Failure to Comply

  1. Failure to obey the summons of a disciplinary body or college official.

  2. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information before a disciplinary body or college official.

  3. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a disciplinary proceeding.

  4. Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a disciplinary body prior to and/or during the course of the disciplinary proceeding.

  5. Verbal or physical harassment and/or intimidation of a member of a disciplinary body prior to, during, and/or after the disciplinary proceeding.

  6. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the student conduct policy.

  7. Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the disciplinary system.

13) Animals on Campus

  1. Service Animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Service Animals are welcome wherever the public is allowed. Service Animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the Service Animal's work or the individual's disability prevents using these devices. In specific situations, students must seek approval for service animals to participate. Examples may include, but are not limited to, chemical labs and remote technical backcountry courses.

  2. An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is a companion animal that provides therapeutic benefit for an individual with a documented disability. ESAs are approved the by the Disabilities Resource Specialist and are specific to housing.

  3. Animals (except Service Animals and ESA's in student-specific housing) are prohibited in campus facilities, on class field trips or present during class time.

  4. Any animal on campus must be leashed and under the control of its handler at all times. Animals cannot be left unattended (except Service Animals and ESAs).

  5. Students with animals are responsible for the animal's behavior, damages created by the animal and the proper disposal of animal waste. 

14) Unauthorized Use or Misuse of College Facilities

  1. Unauthorized entry into, unauthorized use of, or misuse of college property, including computers and data and voice communication networks.

15) Violation of Federal or State Laws

  1. Violation of federal, state, or local laws and college rules and regulations on college property or at college-sanctioned or college-sponsored functions.

  2. Any student who has a criminal case pending, or those which have already been adjudicated with the court system, as a sexual offender or sexual predator, must notify the Dean of Student Affairs Office of their status. Proof of final judgement, sentence or disposition related to the matter must be submitted within 24 hours of judgement or at the time of enrollment.

  3. Committing an act or attempting to commit an act that is a violation of local, state, and/or federal laws.

16) Insubordination

  1. Persistent or gross acts of willful disobedience or defiance toward college personnel or security officers.

  2. Failure to comply with direction of college officials, faculty, staff, who are acting in the performance of their duties.

  3. Failure to exit during fire drill or other evacuation drills.

  4. Failure to identify oneself when on college property or at college-sponsored or supervised functions, upon request of college official or security officer acting in the performance of their duties.

17) Violations of College Rules

  1. Violations by guest of a student on college property. Students are responsible for the actions of their guests.

  2. Violation of school safety regulations, including but not limited to: setting fires, tampering with fire safety and/or firefighting equipment, failure to exit during fire drill, turning in false fire alarms and/or bomb threats.

  3. Smoking in classrooms or other college buildings or areas unless designated as a smoking area.

  4. Any violation of the student housing agreement, rules and regulations and/or the college housing student handbook.

18) Computing and Communications Acceptable and Responsible Use Policy

Any violation of the institution’s policies on the responsible use of technology, including but not limited to

  1. Making, distributing, or using unauthorized duplicates of copyrighted material, including software applications, proprietary data, and information technology resources is prohibited. Section No. IX Policy No. 905.0 Page 1 of 2 Responsible Office: Information Technology Effective date: 07-01-98 Revision date: 06-03-00; 09-21-06; 01-02-12. This includes illegal file sharing of entertainment (e.g. music, movies, and video games) files in violation of copyright laws. 

  2. Intentionally or recklessly abusing or misusing computing resources so as to cause damage, system, interruptions, or harassment to other persons is prohibited.

  3. Repeatedly or purposefully engaging in activities which can be reasonably expected to, or do, unreasonably tax computing resources or go beyond their intended or acceptable use is prohibited.

  4. Borrowing, lending, falsifying, allowing, or facilitating the unauthorized access to use of College computing resources by a third party is prohibited.

  5. Obtaining user IDs and/or password(s) of other persons in order to use College or College-related computing resources or impersonating another person on a computing resource is prohibited.

  6. Using electronic media to harass or threaten other persons, or to display, design, copy, store, draw, print, or publish obscene language or graphics is prohibited.

  7. Using College computing resources to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to computing resources either inside or outside of the College is prohibited.

  8. Cyber bullying.

19) Failure to satisfy school financial obligations


The above list is illustrative only, and Prescott College may sanction other conduct not specifically included on this list.

Section VI: Sanctions

Prescott College may impose sanctions for violations of the Student Conduct Policy. The type of sanction imposed may vary depending upon the seriousness of the violation(s). Prescott College reserves the right to immediately impose the most severe sanction if circumstances merit.

Although not exhaustive, the following list represents the types of sanctions that may be imposed upon any student or student organization found to have violated the student conduct policy:

  1. Warning: A notice in writing that a student has failed to meet some aspect of the school's standards and expectations.

  2. Probation: Probation is used for repeated violations or a specific violation of a serious nature as a first course of action. The Conduct Officer or their delegate defines the terms of probation.

  3. Discretionary Sanctions: The student will be required to complete an educational service, attend counseling, or have restricted privileges.

  4. Removal from Housing: The student will be immediately dismissed from school housing. The student will be required to vacate the premises according to the terms of the sanction.

  5. Suspension: Separation of the student from the school for a pre-determined period of time. The student may be able to return to school once specified conditions for readmission are met. The student may not attend classes, visit college housing, use school facilities, participate in or attend college activities, or be employed by the school during their suspension.

  6. Expulsion: The student will be expelled from Prescott College immediately. The student will not be permitted to continue his or her studies at the college and may not return to the college or to college sponsored housing or activities at any time or for any reason.

  7. Restitution: Compensation for loss or damage to property leased, owned, or controlled by the school.

This may take the form of monetary or material replacement.

The above list is only a general guideline. Some sanctions may be omitted, and other sanctions not listed above may be used.

Search of Students’ Property

Students have no expectation of privacy of their personal property while on campus. Prescott College reserves the right to search the contents of students' personal property or belongings at any time, when there is reasonable suspicion on the part of the College’s staff, that a risk to the health, safety, or welfare of students and/or the school community exists, including searches pursuant to an investigation of potential wrongdoing. This includes but is not limited to: vehicles brought onto property leased, owned or controlled by the school; backpacks; and clothing. This policy also applies to student property in school housing, as well as student e-mail and/or computers.

Section VII: Disciplinary Procedures


Any member of the Prescott College community may file a complaint against any student for misconduct or for otherwise being in violation of College policies.

  1. The complaint shall be prepared in writing or in an incident report and directed to the Dean of Student Affairs or their delegate.

  2. The written complaint or incident report should include the nature of the offense, date, approximate time and location of incident. The name of the victim(s), offender(s), and any witness(es) may be included.

  3. Complaints or incident reports should be submitted within 48 hours after the alleged violation occurred unless there are extenuating circumstances requiring a longer timeframe.

The Dean or a delegate may review and investigate the complaint, and uphold due process, to determine if the allegations have factual merit, to identify violations of the student conduct policy, and to impose sanctions for such violations. In most situations, the accused will be given the opportunity to tell his or her account of the situation and to provide this information, in writing, unless Prescott College determines that the circumstances do not warrant disclosure of some or all of the facts.

Notification and Determination of violations that warrant Disciplinary Meeting

  1. The Dean or a delegate will choose to conduct a disciplinary meeting. Potential attendees include a student or students, and others who may have relevant information. The Student should receive advance notice, in writing, of the allegations and the reason for the meeting.

  2. After the meeting, the Dean or their delegate will determine whether it is more likely than not that a violation occurred, and will render and communicate the decision to the student in writing, which shall describe the violation and the sanctions imposed, if any, and the student’s right to appeal. If the dean determines that there was no violation, that decision will be documented in writing to the student as well.

  3. If a student fails to appear for the meeting, the Dean or their delegate may make a determination of violations of Prescott College policies on the basis of the information available, and impose sanctions for such violations.

Notification and Determination of violations that warrant Disciplinary Hearing by Panel

In some cases, involving serious violations the Dean or delegate, hereby referred to as “Hearing Officer”, in his or her sole discretion, may choose to assemble a disciplinary panel to adjudicate the process.

  1. The Hearing Officer may immediately (before a hearing takes place) remove the student from the campus community pursuant to an Interim Suspension until the Disciplinary Panel is convened. (See Interim Suspension).

  2. The Student should receive advance notice, in writing, of the allegations and the reason for the meeting. A student may forego attendance at the hearing and a determination of the sanction will be made by the Disciplinary Panel.

  3. Hearings normally shall be conducted in private. The Disciplinary Hearing is an academic hearing, not a legal hearing. Therefore, legal counsel is not allowed at the hearing.

  4. The Student may be accompanied by one person (family member, friend, etc.) to provide support. This person cannot ask questions directly or speak during the meeting. The committee may prohibit from attending or remove any person who disrupts the proceedings of the committee.

  5. In Hearings involving more than one Student, the Hearing Officer, at his or her discretion, may permit the hearing concerning each student to be conducted separately.

  6. The Disciplinary Panel may hear from any person who may have relevant information, and the Panel may review any documents presented to them.

  7. Pertinent records, documents, and written statements may be considered by the Hearing Officer at their discretion.

  8. The Disciplinary Panel may ask questions and may seek information not provided to it previously.

  9. The Disciplinary Panel may determine whether it is more likely than not that a violation occurred. The Panel should communicate to the Hearing Officer its decision and its recommended sanction, if any.

  10. After the Hearing, the Hearing Officer will issue a written decision to the accused Student, which identifies the accusations and the panel’s conclusions, any sanctions, and the student's right of appeal.

  11. In general, the accused should have access to the documentation reviewed by the panel; however, identifying names and information may be removed from the documentation when necessary to protect other students’ privacy rights.

Disciplinary Panel

A Disciplinary Panel will consist of members of the college administration, campus staff, faculty or student body. When students are permitted on the panel, the accused student should sign a form granting permission to release their educational records to a student serving on the panel. Failure to sign the permission constitutes an agreement to have no student on the panel.

Administrative Interim Suspension

Students may be administratively suspended on an interim basis when:

  1. Serious allegations are being investigated.

  2. Serious allegations are pending before a disciplinary panel.

  3. In advance of a disciplinary panel hearing; or

  4. When a student potentially poses a threat of harm to himself, to others, or to property of the college or a member of the college community.

During the interim suspension, students are denied access to college housing and/or to the school (including classes, labs, library) and/or all other school activities or privileges for which the student might otherwise be eligible, as the academic dean or designee may determine to be appropriate. This interim suspension period should last no longer than three business days, and the Dean or delegate may make reasonable provisions to provide for accommodations of a student in school housing.

The interim suspension is not to be considered disciplinary; it is a tool to separate potential adversaries until a reasoned decision can be made.

Section VIII: Appeal Procedures

Students have a right to appeal disciplinary actions when they believe they have extenuating circumstances or believe they have been treated in an arbitrary or biased fashion or without adherence to Prescott College policies and procedures.

  • During an appeal, the student should continue to obey the terms of the decision, e.g., a student who has been suspended from school may not be on school property; a student dismissed from school housing must leave in accordance with the directions indicated in the decision.

  • The student must write a letter of appeal in the student’s own words, addressed to the Appeals Committee. This letter must clearly state the extenuating circumstances or the grounds for believing the decision was arbitrary or biased or that it was without adherence to Prescott College policies and procedures, and provide any supporting documentation. It must be delivered to the President or their delegate within seven calendar days following the student’s receipt of the decision.

  • Students should provide documentation to support the allegations of the appeal.

  • The Appeals Committee will review appeals and make a recommendation regarding disposition of the appeal within 30 days of the date of receipt of the appeal. 

  • The Appeals Committee may (or may not) decide to convene an appeal hearing. The student will be notified in writing of the date and time of the appeal. The student is expected to attend the meeting, and failure to do so, for other than documented emergencies, may be considered forfeiture of the right to present further information regarding the appeal.

  • The student making the appeal may be provided an opportunity to address the committee in person. The student may be accompanied by one person (family member, friend, etc.) as an observer. The committee may prohibit from attending or remove any person who disrupts the proceedings of the committee.

  • The Appeal meeting is an academic hearing, not a legal hearing. Therefore, legal counsel is not allowed at the meeting.

  • Audio recording of the academic hearing is not permitted. Minutes of the meeting are confidential.

  • Following appropriate review and deliberation, the committee will render a written decision on the appeal within thirty calendar days from receipt of the appeal. The decision will be final.

Drug-free Workplace and Campus Policy

The use of illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol on Prescott College properties or in facilities controlled by Prescott College are prohibited by college regulations and are incompatible with Prescott College’s goal of providing a healthy educational environment for students, faculty, staff, and guests. The following information is provided in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.

Effects of Drugs and Alcohol

Although individuals often use drugs and alcohol to achieve a variety of effects on mind and body that are found to be temporarily useful or pleasurable, drugs can be highly addictive and injurious. A person can pay a price in terms of his or her physical, emotional, and social health.

This can lead to risk taking behavior in regards to sexual health, the incidence of unwanted or unprotected sex when one is under the influence of drugs or alcohol is significantly raised, and drugs can be the trigger for violent crime. Economic and legal problems usually result when one tries to support a drug habit by resorting to crime. The dependence, illness, loss of job, and loss of family or friends that can result from drug or alcohol use and abuse can be tragic. In keeping with the mission of Prescott College and the requirements of state and federal law, Prescott College has adopted this program to ensure a drug-free campus and workplace and to prevent the use of controlled substances and the abuse of alcohol.

Alcohol Use at the College

While the College’s alcohol policy reflects current interpretations of federal, state and local laws governing the possession, distribution, and use of alcohol, it also expresses the College’s commitment to responsible drinking and behavior. The following regulations apply to all functions sponsored by College groups on and off campus. Non-College groups that use College facilities may not serve alcohol unless approved by the College.

College Functions

For the purposes of this policy, “function” is defined as a gathering sponsored by Prescott College, or any of its constituent groups, at which alcohol is served. The presence of alcohol at these functions creates a need to manage the activity with care and to be more concerned with the conduct of those present. Those who plan to choose to attend functions where alcoholic beverages will be served and consumed must assume responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

Off-Campus College Functions

College functions that take place off-campus at establishments licensed to sell alcohol are not governed by the College’s alcohol policy. College functions that take place off-campus at locations not licensed to sell alcohol are governed by the College’s alcohol policy. Federal, state, and local laws (and not the College’s alcohol policy) govern off-campus employee sponsored functions, such as class parties and field trips; however, sponsors have the right to prohibit alcohol consumption. The Kino Center, Dopoi Center, Tucson Center, and field trips are considered on-campus and are governed by the College’s alcohol policy.

Risk-Management Guidelines

Inform the group advisor or other sponsor of both planned activities and the person(s) responsible for the event at least 72 hours in advance of the event. Focus on a theme rather than on alcohol.

When alcohol is served, encourage mature and responsible use. A general guideline is one keg per 55 legal drinkers or one 12-ounce can of beer per hour, per person. Designate officers or members who will not drink alcohol during the functions. Sponsor activities that do not require driving afterwards if alcohol is served. Help guests find escorts or transportation home if needed. Call 928-350-2222 for assistance with on-campus emergencies. Observe proper fire and building codes with respect to maximum occupancy.

Alcohol—State Laws and Regulations

All use and distribution of alcohol is subject to state laws and regulations, which include the following duties and prohibitions:

  • No person or organization may sell, furnish, or give alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 21, except as otherwise permitted by law.

  • No person under the age of 21 is allowed to consume or possess alcoholic beverages, except as otherwise permitted by law.

  • No person authorized to sell or serve alcoholic beverages may consume such beverages while they are so engaged or employed.

  • No person or organization may serve or sell alcoholic beverages to any intoxicated or disorderly person, and such intoxicated persons shall not be allowed to remain on or about premises in which alcoholic beverages are furnished for more than 30 minutes after the state of intoxication is known or should be known to a person selling or serving alcoholic beverages.

  • Any person or organization authorized to serve alcoholic beverages who has reason to question whether the person ordering or attempting to order alcoholic beverages is under the age of 21 shall require that person to show an identification card, which includes a photograph, proving that the individual is at least 21 years of age.

  • No person under the legal drinking age may misrepresent his or her age with the intent to induce another to sell or serve alcohol contrary to law.

  • No person may solicit another person to purchase, sell, or serve alcohol contrary to law.

College Sanctions

Prescott College, in all actions, will seek to uphold local, state, and federal laws. Insofar as permitted by these laws, Prescott College will apply sanctions that could lead to a student being fined, suspended, or expelled, or an employee being disciplined, suspended, or dismissed for violation of Prescott College’s standards of conduct.

Students and employees may also be referred for prosecution. Disciplinary sanctions may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program, at the student’s or employee’s expense, if necessary.

State and Federal Sanctions

Federal penalties and sanctions for illegal possession of a controlled substance include the following:

  • First conviction: up to 1 year in prison, fine of $1,000 to $100,000, or both

  • Second conviction: at least 15 days and up to 2 years’ imprisonment, $5,000 to $250,000 fine, or both • After two drug convictions: at least 90 days and up to 3 years in prison, $5,000 to $250,000 fine, or both. Special federal sentencing provisions for possession of crack cocaine include a mandatory prison term of at least 5 years and up to 20 years, fine of up to $250,000, or both, for a first conviction if the amount of crack exceeds 5 grams, for a second conviction if amount exceeds 3 grams, and for a third or subsequent conviction if the amount exceeds 1 gram.

  • Additional federal sanctions may also apply, including forfeiture of vehicles used to transport controlled substances; denial of federal benefits including student loans, grants, and contracts; and denial or revocation of certain federal licenses and benefits.

Convictions for Drug-related Offenses

Any student convicted of any drug-related criminal offense must notify the Director of Financial Aid, in writing, no later than five (5) days after such conviction, regardless of where the offense occurred. This is because under federal and state laws, any student convicted of a drug-related felony offense during a period of enrollment in which the student was receiving federal student aid must be denied all federal and state assistance, including Pell Grants. However, a criminal conviction shall not be necessary to find that a student has violated these standards of conduct, and Prescott College need not, and ordinarily will not, defer their own actions and sanctions pending the outcome of any criminal proceeding.

Danger Signals Indicating a Drug or Alcohol Problem

Following is a listing of classic danger signals that may indicate the presence of a drug or alcohol problem:

  • Abrupt changes in mood or attitude.

  • Decreased efficiency at work or at school.

  • Frequent absences, tardiness, and/or early departures.

  • Relationship problems with family, friends, and co-workers.

  • Unusual outbursts of anger and hostility.

  • Social withdrawal.


If you observe any of these changes in yourself or another student, you are encouraged to talk with a counselor.

In accordance with Clery Act regulations, College “Pastoral Counselors” and College “Professional Counselors,” when acting as such, are not considered to be a campus security authority and are not required to report crimes for inclusion into the annual disclosure of crime statistics. As a matter of policy, the counselors are encouraged, if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform persons being counseled of the procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion into the annual crime statistics.

Abuse of alcohol or drugs can lead to dependency and addiction, with serious consequences for personal health and overall quality of life. There are drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation facilities available in the Prescott area where students and employees may seek advice and treatment. Arizona Area Resources

There are also organizations that may be contacted for help. The Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Hotline (1-877-437- 8422) and the Cocaine Hotline (1-866-535-7046) are open 24 hours a day. The National Institute on Treatment Referral Hotline (1-800-662-4357) is available from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m., Monday through Friday and from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. on weekends.


220 Grove Avenue
Prescott, AZ 86301
(877) 350-2100


738 North 5th Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85705
(888) 797-4680


151 Calle Cadiz y Puerto Vallarta
Bahia de Kino, Sonora, Mexico
(877) 350-2100


Prescott College Dopoi
Center, Talek,
Narok County, Kenya