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Course Description

Working with their Capstone Instructor, each student will design a project that best meets their learning and career goals in a manner that demonstrates proficiency in social and political theories relevant to community organizing and community organizing theory and practice. Mastery is defined as meeting the departmental learning objectives of the MA Program in Social Justice and Community Organizing.

For their final program artifact, students will develop and submit one of the following types of Capstone Projects:

Movement-Based Research Project: Working with their Capstone instructor, the student will design a research project that offers a significant analysis of a movement-based issue. The research may be presented in written or video form (to be agreed on by the student and their adviser and committee member).

Organizing Practice Project: Working collaboratively with a social justice organization and their Capstone instructor, the student will produce something that the organization requests, for example, a research project, a campaign or program assessment, a strategic plan, a social media campaign, a fund-raising video, etc.

Capstone Portfolio: Students will use this portfolio to reflect on their learning in SJCO and to connect their academic experiences to their professional work. Instead of putting together a research project, as with the other three options, students will have the opportunity to reflect on their learnings, the role of academia and research as tools for social justice, and their professional trajectory.